M4L Device only works AFTER it is opened in Max? I'm Stumped

Michael DeFiore's icon


Created my first device (attached).

Purpose: The device sends the midi cc value specified in a live.numbox on cc# 56 when the device's track is selected.

The device works fine when I first place it on tracks.

Problem: Once I save the Ableton set and reopen the set: device won't not work.

If I open the device in Max then close the device such that I'm back in ableton....the device works fine.....until I close the project....in which case it won't work until I open it in Max and close it again. etc... etc...

Totally stumped. I froze the device and still won't work.

Any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Bome Track ID ON Selection FROZEN.amxd
amxd 13.52 KB

Michael DeFiore's icon

After more debugging, it seems that if two or more of this device are used in a set they somehow interfear with each other. The above stated issue does not happen if only 1 device is used in a set

Any idea why this is happening and how to correct it?

Many thanks.

Source Audio's icon

1 you want THIS track ID
2 if THIS track is selected, senf it's ID as CC# 56 value

Is that right ?
you only observe selected track, twice...

Michael DeFiore's icon

Actually, that's kind of right. It's really:

1: if the track the device is on is selected then generate a bang which sendsa midi cc value that the user specifies in a text box.

I was thinking 1) observe the track twice, 2) use an IF statement to compare the same 2 values which would 3) trigger a bang that sends the MIDI cc value. I thought it was overly complicated when I thought of it but can't discover another way to do it.

Can you kindly advise how I can trigger a bang when the track a device is on is selected?

Source Audio's icon

here is one example, sends THIS track id as CC# 56 value when track containing this device gets selected
if you want to send different value instead , insert that live.number

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Michael DeFiore's icon

Many thanks! I was able to use your patcher as a model to get it done. For those interested see attached.

MIDI Track ID on MIDI CC #56.amxd
MIDI Track ID on MIDI CC 15.19 KB

MIDI Track ID Remote Map.amxd
amxd 18.93 KB