Max 8 release date?

MuShoo's icon

So we're more than halfway through September - the Max8 info page still says that it's coming in 'September of 2018' - has there been any specific date announced? I've googled and searched the forums, but haven't found anything more specific than 'September 2018.'

quat's icon

take your time c74 we love you!!! :)

Roman Thilenius's icon

sorry it is all my fault.

they are still waiting for the german localisation i am currently working on .

i just cant decide if i should translate cycle~ to "zyklus~" or "radfahren~" !

so not before december, friends.


Joshua Kit Clayton's icon

it *will* be released this month :)

Tj Shredder's icon

Roman is still working on the localisation of Max 4.6...