Max device with floating window staying on top.
I searched deeply on the forum but no post helped me solve this little riddle.
I am trying to open a device on a separate floating window which should stay on top even if I click somewhere else.
I can manage to keep a floating window but it goes behind Live's interface whenever I click on it.
I tried giving the argument "Topmost 1" to the thispatcher object but this does not work.
This is what I am sending to "thispatcher" now:
window flags nomenu, window flags float, window size 0. 0. 629.382764 169.519548, window exec, front, presentation 1
I tried switching "front" with "Topmost 1", I tried removing "window flags float" and tried the other too but no success...
you can send topmost 1 or 0 message.
If you don't wan't 3rd party extermals,
bang front message to thispatcher using metro as long as you want.
I don't mind third party externals but I will have to rebuild the device because of the external. I might give it a try only for one reason: I actually have 3 devices which I want on top and I am afraid that if I use the qmetro it will try to keep moving all of them to the front.
I was hoping for a basic "vanilla" message to send to the thispatcher but I guess it is not yet implemented within max.
Thank you very much indeed, and if, and only IF you have time to answer I would love to know if there's a way to actually keep them in a sort of oder.
example: device1 on top of device2 on top of device 3, all above ableton at all times...
No, I think only way is to create some sort of control, which window to keep in front.
that one could then send messages to thispatchers to keep selected window on top.
Ya I tried the metro thing but of course I get this weird effect where the windows glow a bit because they're getting set to front.. Oh well, guess I'm just gonna have to click on the devices again and try to not use the live interface as much lol.
That's kind of sad..
Also it's sad that the "notitle" argument doesn't work either
I use this and it works, im on Mac btw:
window flags nozoom, window flags nogrow, window flags float, window flags noscroll, window flags nomenu, window flags title, window exec, zoomfactor 1, presentation 1
@matteo massimiliani I'm not sure if it helps but I also stumble over a similar issue recently which was driving me crazy just to find out that messages like "window flags nozoom, window flags nogrow, window flags float" do not work with bpatcher but flawlessly with patcher.