Max Jitter videos get stuck
Hi all! I am running a video installation with pressure sensors from an Arduino triggering specific video clips. When they are not being triggered, I have a blank video clip that plays instead. However, sometimes the videos get stuck. They will trigger on but not turn off until I click the read message for the black video. Vice versa, the opposite will happen where the videos trigger initially, but then after a while, the videos stop triggering. This is resolved when I click the video files read messages. I have tried routing the bangs to the read messages and then to the, but this causes Max to crash eventually. I'm a newbie to Max/MSP/Jitter and would appreciate any feedback about how to fix this issue or how to streamline/edit my patch in a more efficient way. Thanks in advance for your help!
FYI, I am using Max 8.6.4 on a Mac Mini M2 16 GB Sonoma 14.6.1 if any of that is helpful info.
You will get much better performance staying on gl.
If your movies are getting stuck, which I am currently have the same issue (especially with my current setup where movies change really fast, jump to random frame, then play, change again) convert to .hap
***you probably don't need that - just wanted to introduce it
Wil - thank you SO much for your suggestions. This is a much better way to patch for my project, and I converted the videos to .hap. I have been testing it out the past week, but my patch is still crashing every few hours. I'm still figuring out what the issue is! I did not have this issue the last location this installation was in, but it's the same exact setup and is crashing in a new location. I may try re-installing Max next.
For now, I'm running a shell script on my Mac Mini that reopens my patch every time it crashes. I'm posting it here in case anyone else finds it useful:
1. Create the script
Open Terminal and run:
nano ~/
2. Paste this script
PATCHER_PATH="/path/to/your/patcher.maxpat" # Change this to your patch name
echo "Starting Max MSP monitor..." >> "$LOG_FILE"
while true; do
if ! pgrep -x "Max" > /dev/null; then
TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
echo "[$TIMESTAMP] Max crashed! Restarting..." >> "$LOG_FILE"
open -a "$MAX_APP" "$PATCHER_PATH"
sleep 5 # Check every 5 seconds
3. Save and exit (Ctrl + X
, then Y
, then Enter
4. Make the script executable
chmod +x ~/
5. Run the script in the background
nohup ~/ &
ensures it keeps running even if you close the Terminal.
6. View the log
To check the crash log:
cat ~/max_restart_log.txt
Regarding the crashes, you might try to use a dedicated for each video with @autostart 0, send the "read" message on load, then use the "start" and "stop" messages to trigger the videos.