Max/MSP - is it possible for the patch to "write" to a Comment (or other text object) while a patch is running?


    May 13 2024 | 7:59 pm

    • Julien Bayle's icon
      Julien Bayle
      May 13 2024 | 8:37 pm
    • Roman Thilenius's icon
      Roman Thilenius's icon
      Roman Thilenius
      May 14 2024 | 5:29 pm
    • Pedro Santos's icon
      Pedro Santos's icon
      Pedro Santos
      May 14 2024 | 7:54 pm
    • cappy2112's icon
      cappy2112's icon
      May 15 2024 | 6:45 am
    • cappy2112's icon
      cappy2112's icon
      May 15 2024 | 6:56 am
    • Source Audio's icon
      Source Audio's icon
      Source Audio
      May 15 2024 | 7:28 am
    • Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell
      May 15 2024 | 12:36 pm
      (delete 0) deletes the first item in the list - (count) results in the last item being deleted
      Max Patch
      Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.
    • Source Audio's icon
      Source Audio's icon
      Source Audio
      May 15 2024 | 3:03 pm
    • Roman Thilenius's icon
      Roman Thilenius's icon
      Roman Thilenius
      May 15 2024 | 4:31 pm
    • cappy2112's icon
      cappy2112's icon
      May 15 2024 | 11:12 pm
    • Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell
      May 17 2024 | 2:35 pm
    • Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell
      May 17 2024 | 2:58 pm
      I clicked on "doctor" in the chooser to change it to "the doctor"
      Max Patch
      Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.
    • Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell
      May 17 2024 | 3:21 pm
      Max Patch
      Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.
    • Source Audio's icon
      Source Audio's icon
      Source Audio
      May 17 2024 | 3:26 pm
    • Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell
      May 17 2024 | 3:31 pm
    • Source Audio's icon
      Source Audio's icon
      Source Audio
      May 17 2024 | 3:36 pm
      Max Patch
      Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.
    • Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell's icon
      Andy Maskell
      May 17 2024 | 6:22 pm
      Max Patch
      Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.
    • cappy2112's icon
      cappy2112's icon
      May 18 2024 | 7:47 pm
    • Roman Thilenius's icon
      Roman Thilenius's icon
      Roman Thilenius
      May 19 2024 | 6:09 am