Midi reactive / jit.gl.camera
I play an organ with an upper and lower manual transmitting midi on CH1 (upper) and CH2 (lower) note and velocity.
I want to use the midi values to colour 2 shapes (jit.gl.gridshape) - 1 shape for left hand and 1 shape for the right hand. That works fine.
However - I want to combine this with some beautiful point lights like in the "point light" example from GL3-launch.
I managed to route the shader to my shapes but I had to duplicate Jit.gl.camera in order to make it work......but this also duplicated the shapes. :-( and also the jit.gl.gridshape "plane" receives now midi values and gets coloured what I do not want.
Thanks in advance for any help.
could solve all my questions.
Have fun playing some colourful music :)
Note: Don't miss to set a saturation/velocity value b4