No forms of noise work in RNBO Web Export?

A R's icon

Hello all

I'm running into an issue where it seems both [noise~] and a [gen~] patcher with noise going to out1 both do not produce sound when using Web Export. In my case I've created a very simple synthesizer. It takes in a frequency and a "type" (ie the wave). All other wave types work for example [cycle~] and [tri~] but when I attempt to switch my selector to the noise it goes silent. Oddly my browser still detects audio as playing and I hear a click which leads me to believe its outputting a constant value but I cannot record my desktop audio to confirm this at the moment.

Below is an image of the various setups I attempted. Anyone know whats going on here or maybe some workaround? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Note: All versions of this patch function properly inside of Max when tested and only fail upon Web Export.

Variation 1: All waves work as expected except for noise.
Variation 2: [noise~] is replaced with [gen~] as shown above. Same issue.
Variation 3: To rule out maybe something wrong with the osc_type parameter I did the above with same results. No sound when osc_type was 3 or 4 but all others work.
Variation 4: To be sure I wasn't crazy I just outputted the pure noise and sure enough no sound.

My web interface for those curious. I can also provide backend if needed but this defintely seems like an RNBO issue seeing as it functions in all other cases except noise.

Alex Norman's icon

Can you verify the version of RNBO that you're using for your export?

  • From Max 6.1 (or later), select the 'About Max' window (Max menu on Mac, or Help menu on Windows).

  • Click the link in the About Max window which reads 'Copy support information to clipboard'.

  • Paste the results in the 'System and Max Version' field to the right on this form.

A R's icon
"version" : "Version 8.6.4 (0112d5ff36b) (arm64 mac)",
"platform" : "mac",
"arch" : "arm64",
"osversion" : "Mac OS X Version 15.0 (Build 24A335) arm64"

"RNBO" : "1.3.2",
"RNBO Guitar Pedals" : "1.0.2",
"RNBO Synth Building Blocks" : "1.1.6",

I have omitted some of the unnecessary details as to not fill up the thread.

Additional note in case this is important: The device loads dynamically on the page when the user clicks a button. See below how it is initialized:

case 'osc2': {
    // @ts-expect-error rainbow issue
    const node = await createDevice({context, patcher: osc2Patcher})
    const frequency = node.parametersById.get('osc_frequency')
    const type = node.parametersById.get('osc_type')
    frequency.value = data.osc_frequency
    type.value = data.osc_type

    nodes.set(id, node)
Alex Norman's icon

I thought we had released the fix for this already but we have an upcoming release that resolves the noise issue.. no ETA yet but "soon".

A R's icon

Thank you for the update! I'll keep an eye out.

A R's icon

Thank you for the update! I'll keep an eye out.

CharBoogie's icon

I have been having this same issue for quite a while. Looking forward to the fix! Thanks!

Alex Norman's icon

FYI, 1.3.3 was released yesterday and should resolve this issue, please let us know if it does or doesn't for you.