No sound in the patch
Hi guys. I have a problem that I got no sound in the patch but there's no problem in the maxhelp file.
I'm using Max 7.0.6 with OS X 10.9.3.
I've tried editing the Audio Status and tried testing in the Audiotester but there is no use.
I don't think it's the patch's problem coz no matter how simple the patch is, there is no sound can be produces.
Attached with one picture that shows the Audiotester is working and the Audio Status is on, but still no sound is produced when I press the piano keyboard.
I've been solving this problem for like a few weeks:'(
Some said I need to delete the preference file, I've done so but still not working.
Could some body tell me why:'(
Hi there, I've recreated the patch in max and found that there was no problem with creating sound when I played the [kslider]. Do you get audio when you press the [kslider]? If so then it is an error with your MIDI setup, so ensure the correct channels are being assigned and all things MIDI. If you don't get a sound when using the [kslider] then the fault is because of your audio setup, you can check this by clicking on the apple icon on the very top left of the screen, on the stop toolbar, and then choosing System Preferences>> Sound. If this is wrong then no matter what you do in max it will not work
Sorry it's not amazing help but at least you know 100% that your patch is working exactly as it should be and you can now begin to trace the problem :)