Problems with communication between bare conductive touch board and Max
Hello Community.
For some reason I cant get my bare conductive board to communicate with Max. I have followed all of the directions to a T. The Data stream seems to be working fine with my touch board and Max recognizes the port, however, when I select the port I am not receiving any data from the data stream. Any Ideas?
Happy to help. I wrote the tutorial so I better be able to! I'll be referencing this tutorial in my answers:
Just to confirm can you see the DataStream output in the serial monitor as in step 2 of the tutorial? If you can see that (which it sounds like you can) then you are part of the way there.
Next, make sure that the max patch and the arduino sketch are closed. Unplug and plug the Touch Board back in and open up the max patch. Now try selecting the serial port. If it is not obvious which one the Touch Board is, just try each. Make sure to wait a few seconds before selecting the next one. If this doesn't work we can dig a bit more into the patch to see what is going on.
It looks like I've got the same issue.
- I uploaded Datastream mp121 example sketch on touchboard
- I can see DataStream output in the Arduino serial monitor
- When I load the Max patch, I can see the line corresponding to the touch board in the menu, but when I select it, I can't see any values changing.
- I tried to close both Arduino & Max, unplugging then plugging touch board, then opening Max patch... but stil doesnt work...
Sometimes, when both Arduino & Max are opened together, after opening Arduino serial monitor then clothing it, the Max patch is reacting
Hi, I am having the same problem. Did anybody find a solution to it by any chance?
Hi! Having the same problem!! Did anybody find a solution??
I had the same problem. I digged a bit into the max serial object, as the problem needs to be somewhere there. I got it working after playing around with the help file. I added some stuff to do the trick automatically in the serial communication subpatch. I don't have the time to find out, why it needs to be down. but try if it works for you.
Select a serial port from the drop down menu, wait for about 2 seconds and than you should see things moving. Would be happy to hear, if it does the trick for you as well.
(also check if the baud rate in your datastream code is at 115200. if it is different, you need to change that in the max patch)