jit.catch to jit.gen particle system
I want to create a particle system like below, based on the sound that's coming from ezdac.
The above patch is what I copied and pasted from two youtube tutorials.
jit.catch doesn't react the same way as jit.rgb2luma does. So I need to convert it to something.
Somebody any guesses or tips or tutorials to fix this?
Nobody that can give the tip or clue I need?
Some clues:
Use [jit.fpsui] to check the dimension and size of matrices you are dealing with. Usually when using [jit.gen] you want all input matrices to be the same dimension.
[jit.rgb2luma] and [jit.catch~] have nothing in common. The firstone takes a 4 planes ARGB matrix and output a 1 plane matrix with the luminosity of each pixel calculated from the RGB values. [jit.catch~] outputs a 1 plane 1 row matrix with values from incoming sound.
Check the help files of objects you are using to get a better understand of how they work.
Why not sharing the youtube videos you talked about so we can get a better idea of where you want to go?
Why is there a [jit.grab] in your example patch when you only talk about sound coming from [ezadc]?
The [jit.convolve] in your example patcher makes no sense to me. Maybe you meant a [jit.concat] instead?
Here is an example based on [jit.catch~] and [jit.concat]
Thanks for your reply!
I want the effect that the jit.rgb2luma creates with the particle system.
But I want it only coming from sound.
I would remove the jit.rgb2luma from the moment I can get the same result from sound alone.
I only added it to the patch so I could show what the desired outcome/effect is that I want to achieve.
jit.fpsui can't count dimensions of sound, though?
I tried fppt and jit.catch to convert the sound from ezdac~ to a matrix that the jit.gen understands and translates the effect I want.
Concerning your example: I can't open the ezdac~, it closes when I try to toggle it.
Here is the tutorial I used based on the jit.rgb2luma.
Here is the visual effect I'm trying to achieve but by sound instead of video
I want the effect that the jit.rgb2luma creates with the particle system.
But I want it only coming from sound.
This sentence makes no sense to me. Like I said, jit.rgb2luma works with images, which are represented as 4 planes, two dimensional matrices.
Sound is very different from images, as it is basically a 1 plane, 1 dimensional matrix.
What jit.rgb2luma does on the point cloud is that brighter parts of the original image coming from your webcam are higher in the 3D space of the points. In other words, jit.rgb2luma creates a heightmap based on the luminosity of the input image, and your [jit.gen] displaces your grid of 100x100 points according to that heightmap.
Sound has no RGB components, you can't calculate the luminosity of a sound (even though some sounds are brighter than others, but that's another topic).
jit.fpsui can't count dimensions of sound, though?
jit.fpsui takes matrices as inputs. jit.catch~ outputs a matrix, like all other jit. objects you are using.
I tried fppt and jit.catch to convert the sound from ezdac~ to a matrix that the jit.gen understands and translates the effect I want.
jit.catch combined with jit.concat and a jit.matrix does just that, as shown in my patch. That's weird that you can't open it. Here are the only changes I did:
@TFL the issue was with my soundcard!
Your suggestion is indeed what I'm talking about.
Now I know that jit.rgb2luma is different then the concat.
But is there a way that I can make the sound have 4 "dimension" or 3 (low, mid, high)
So the table is also filled with and array of different numbers from 0 to 255.
That way the pixels are not moving lines as is the behaviour now vs the result with jit.rgb2luma.
Like using jit.glue to make multiple matrices per sound (low, mid, high)
Or is this out of the scope of this question.
Anyways thanks so much for the help already!
@Rob Ramirez thanks!!!!
But is there a way that I can make the sound have 4 "dimension" or 3 (low, mid, high)
It seems like you need to get a better understanding of the basics, like what a dimension is. Maybe you would learn quite some things by going through the builtin jitter tutorials, or by following some "jitter basics" tutorials on youtube (I can recommand those from Amazing Max Stuff for example).
It seems that what Rob posted does exactly what you are looking for anyway.