RNBO Runner 1.3.2-2 bugfix release
Alex Norman
8月 02 2024 | 11:05 午後
We've discovered a small bug in the RNBO 1.3.2 runner that makes it so that some MIDI connections don't get saved with sets. We have a new image up on the resources page that you can install if you want to start fresh with a bug fixed setup, but if you have content you'd like to maintain from your 1.3.x installation, we have an update for you.
Here are the steps:
if you haven't already updated RNBO in Max to 1.3.2, do that, and also update your Runner to 1.3.2
run the command below to update to 1.3.2-2, this will be fully compatible with RNBO 1.3.2.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install rnbooscquery=1.3.2-2 && sudo apt-mark hold rnbooscquery
While you're at it, you might as well upgrade the rest of the packages on your system.
sudo apt-get upgrade
And finally, even if you don't upgrade your system packages, a reboot is a good idea.
sudo reboot