Saving the contents of a buffer for use later

Tristan Cassel-Delavois's icon

Tristan Cassel-Delavois

8月 30 2024 | 11:08 午後


I'm not sure this is possible but can you record 30 seconds of audio into a previously setup audio buffer and then save it as a specific filename for use later? A simple use case would be to take out the raspberry pi connected to a pisound or another interface along with a microphone and record little bursts of audio that you can manipulate in real time and then save either the processed results or the dry original buffer for use later on.

I have an early days patch where I'm recording in sounds and then manipulating them with a granulator and placing the resulting sound into a kind of generative soundscape where these sounds come back in at varying intervals along side the real mic feed. This is fun to play with but at the moment I have no way of saving any of these buffers. The only solution I have come up with is to split the microphone signal and record a completely separate dry feed for use later on.

I'm definitely more on the beginner side.



Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

8月 30 2024 | 11:15 午後

You can write any buffer at any time to disk.

What prevents you from doing so ?

Roman Thilenius's icon

Roman Thilenius

8月 30 2024 | 11:25 午後

the buffer object itself can do it.

Tristan Cassel-Delavois's icon

Tristan Cassel-Delavois

8月 30 2024 | 11:50 午後

Sorry! I put this in the wrong category.

This is a RNBO question. Unless I’m mistaken you can do the above in a max patch but not RNBO?

Wil's icon


8月 31 2024 | 4:16 午前

you read a rnbo~ buffer in max, then write to disk

- tab 1 rnbo~ buffer~ help

Tristan Cassel-Delavois's icon

Tristan Cassel-Delavois

8月 31 2024 | 7:08 午前

Ok, this sounds promising but when I look at the buffer and data objects in RNBO I can’t see how to write the contents to any kind of path. Can this be done if I’ve exported the RNBO patch to a raspberry pi target? I want to be able to set this up within the RNBO patch so that I can take the system to use outdoors without having a laptop connected.

My (hopefully incorrect) impression about the dependencies is that they are read only and you can’t save new data over them so you can access it after you’ve powered down the patch on the raspberry pi.

Wil's icon


8月 31 2024 | 8:02 午前

Plot thickens

raspberry pi, no max

maybe not

Tristan Cassel-Delavois's icon

Tristan Cassel-Delavois

8月 31 2024 | 1:26 午後

Ah. Ok. As I thought for now then. Thanks.

Alex Norman's icon

Alex Norman

9月 03 2024 | 1:04 午後

Yeah, there isn't currently a way to serialize what you have in a RNBO buffer into a file, using the runner itself.

You could instrument it yourself using jack and something like jack_capture, but you'd have to play the buffer contents out via an audio outlet.

Tristan Cassel-Delavois's icon

Tristan Cassel-Delavois

9月 03 2024 | 2:33 午後

Hi Alex,

Thanks, yes I was thinking maybe I could create an automated save procedure when ending a session that would output all the buffers to separate audio files one at a time for use later on. I'll have a look into jack_capture and see if I can work out how to trigger it to start/stop recording from RNBO.