Send multiple channels from max to daw (logic pro)

Laurin Baumann's icon

Hi everyone,

I have a max project with multiple outputs/instances, which I would like to send individually to Logic Pro, so I can record, edit and adjust things to my liking for each instance. I've read about rewire but cannot find any download or way to start the driver in my max (it's not visible to me). I'm guessing it doesn't exist anymore.

So I would like to ask if anyone knows a simple solution since I've only come across very complex and weird ones and mostly only ones who send the entire output to a daw (like blackhole)

Laurin Baumann's icon

Okay so actually Blackhole does the trick I believe. I created a dac~ output with a corresponding channel number for each output in my project and can now have each of those routed why Blackhole to Logic where it seems to work:) I hope there are no delay and shifting problems:)