Sending OSC from RNBO to Madmapper

Tim Strohmeier's icon

Looking for a way to send osc controls from my rnbo patch that runs on an Rasperry Pi to madmapper that runs on another device on the network.

Is this currently possible with rnbo?

Since there is nothing like udpsend in rnbo, I was hoping I could use outport to send osc message to a specific port on the network. So I tried setting up a listener port (as specified in the OSCQuery Manual - and setting the outport argument to the OSC value address of the parameter in madmapper. But this still doesn't seem to work.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Jean-Philippe Jullin's icon

I'm trying to do the same here, but no luck so far.

@Cycling74 is it even possible?

Alex Norman's icon

Unless you have a firewall or some other network configuration blocking these messages, you should be able to add a listener to your raspi runner and see OSC messages come through that.

One way to test that is to use Max on the host that you would be running madmapper on.

Create a [udpreceive 7374], find the IP of that computer, then add a listener to your pi, using <THEIPOFCOMPUTERRUNNINGMAX>:7374

at that point you should be able to change a parameter on your pi and see it come out of the [udpreceive] box.

For instance, my laptop is at and my pi is at c74rpi.local

I send this message to setup the listener on my pi:

oscsend osc.udp://c74rpi.local:1234 /rnbo/listeners/add s

you can also send this message from max itself using udpsend, here is an example patcher.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.
Julien Bayle's icon

Actually, it works here 100% through OSC as suggested by Alex.

This example can be useful too : (there, RNBO sends OSC informations to a py script handling leds through GPIO)

LP's icon

I would like to understand whether it is possible to send data from RNBO via UDP. Currently it is not possible? or is there a method?

Alex Norman's icon

LP, the "listener" add I describe above is exactly that, adding an outgoing UDP destination "listener".