sndfile_info() in ext_sndfile.h
3月 12 2024 | 7:58 午前
I'm trying to port my old sfmarkers~ external to ARM and just noticed it doesn't work for AIFF files since some Max versions.
I does work with Max8.1.11 but not with 8.3.3 and later (on intel, 64bits).
As far as I still understand my 20+ years old code, the call to sndfile_info() sets a NULL pointer to the markers pointer in the _sndfileinfo structure, even if markers are present in the soundfile.
Other fields like sr are set correctly with this call.
Did something change in sndfile_info() between Max8.1 and Max8.3?
3月 18 2024 | 7:36 午前
I contacted c74's support but their answer is not really helpfull:
Due to the very small size of our support department we are unfortunately unable to offer developer support. For help updating your external I recommend posting to the Dev forum.
So if anybody has some ideas before I create my own sndfile_info() function they are most welcome.
Note that my problem is not to port to ARM, the object stopped working on intel with Max versions after 8.1.11.
Karl Kliem
6月 05 2024 | 1:25 午後
I could use the sfmarkers~ object right now. It served me well a few years back. Did you make any progress?
6月 05 2024 | 1:55 午後
I updated the object for ARM and it seems to work, but I didn't test it extensively nor did I receive feedback from other users.
It can be downloaded from here:
There is no support from c74 for developers, and nobody answered this thread. So I had to code my own sndfile_info() function.
Karl Kliem
6月 05 2024 | 2:40 午後
Thanks a lot! Seems to work fine so far.