Sound Freezes and cracks overtime

Lucien Basdevant's icon


I’m using a PC with a Fireface interface and the ASIO driver. Since upgrading to Max 9, I’ve been experiencing issues when working for an extended period.

As I’m only using Max (and not MSP), this shouldn’t affect the audio. My work mainly involves data creation and handling with node.script, sending data to Csound via UDP/OSC, and no use of ~ objects.

The problem persists even when Max 9 is idle, with no patch loaded and only the console window open. I’ve tried selecting consistent audio drivers in Max’s audio settings, but the issue remains.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Does anyone have a solution?

For now, I’m hesitant to purchase Max 9 because of this problem.


Source Audio's icon

Latest Max versions are never idle

If you disconnect internet, maybe it would get better

Lucien Basdevant's icon

Even if you select "none" as audio driver ?

Why internet would fix this issue ?

as far as I know, Mac users don't encounter the same issue.