M4L Instr / vst~, midi keyboard isn't making it play, "snapshot incomplete" bug?
I keep getting errors like "cannot load plugin" or "snapshot incomplete" or "audio off in snapshot". Are M4L instruments really tricky? If I have a vst~ and switch it to my VST/dll with "plug " the only thing not working is my keyboard in live, the notes never make the vst play - clicking the keyboard on the VST's UI with a mouse plays the notes, whole thing works.
Removed snapshots / parameter enable settings in the inspector for the vst~, now I get midi_mme: error 7 ?
Still no music, no midi inputs reaching the 'vst~' in the amxd - when I click to edit it in the max editor the console says:
midi_mme: error 7 opening midi input device ROLI Seaboard RISE
midi_mme: error 7 opening output device ROLI Seaboard RISE
SOLVED - use Live.thisdevice NOT loadbang (so it bangs once everythings loaded, at least my problem has stopped). NOT solved - getting my keyboard to communicate with its plugin (now its a vst~ instead of an object in ableton live)
SOLVED Live.thisdevice NOT loadbang (bangs after all is setup) + midi control of vst~ see MSP posts