Unity Plugin package import does not work
Tomoya Kochi
8月 26 2024 | 10:58 午前
Hi, I need help.
I am trying to build the RNBO's Unity Pulgin, which is listed in the repository below.
It worked up to the build, but I cannot import it from the Unity package manager.(I did it this way and it didn't work.)
The error code displayed by Unity is as follows.
com.cycling74.rnbotypes (dependency): Package [com.cycling74.rnbotypes@0.0.2] cannot be found
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions ()
Am I doing something wrong?
I have also included the package.json I used for the import.
"name": "com.cycling74.mycustomplugin",
"version": "0.0.1",
"displayName": "My Custom Plugin",
"unity": "2017.1",
"licensesUrl": "https://support.cycling74.com/hc/en-us/articles/10730031661587",
"dependencies": {
"com.cycling74.rnbotypes": "0.0.2"
"keywords": [
I am using Max version 8.5.6 for windows.
Alex Van Gils
8月 26 2024 | 2:46 午後
Hi Tomoya Kochi,
Thank you for reaching out here. The error given by Unity suggests that it is unable to find the RNBOTypes package, which is a dependency of the package you've built from your RNBO export.
My first question would be whether you've attempted to add the RNBOTypes package to your Unity project via "Add package from disk..." If not, select that option in the Unity Package Manager, and choose the package.json
file from the following location:
Then, you can attempt to add your "My Custom Plugin" package.json the same way.
Let me know if this helps you get started. If not, could you please create an issue on the GitHub repo, here: https://github.com/Cycling74/rnbo.unity.audioplugin/issues and let us know what happens after you add the RNBOTypes package to your project?
Thank you for spending time with this experimental integration!
Tomoya Kochi
8月 27 2024 | 10:43 午前
ALEX VAN GILS, thanks for the reply.
Apparently I did not add the RNBOTypes package first.
I imported the RNBO Types package.json first, and then the package.json of my plugin, and was able to use the plugin in Unity!
However, a new problem has arisen.
I implemented the RNBO plugin on Unity, checked it to the point where sound was produced, and built it in HTML5, but the sound was not produced in the web app after the build. The following logs appear in the console.
Output.framework.js.gz:10 Audio effect My Custom Plugin could not be found. Check that the project contains the correct native audio plugin libraries and that the importer settings are set up correctly.
_JS_Log_Dump @ Output.framework.js.gz:10
To begin with, does the RNBO plugin for Unity support WebGL builds?
The content has changed so much that it would be better to ask the question in a separate thread, but I will continue it in this thread for once.