VIDDLL/windows support for jit.vcr

Aine Pearson's icon

Aine Pearson

7月 11 2024 | 1:33 午前


I am devling into audio-reactive visuals with jitter and have been trying to export my work all day. I see some old forum posts about the transition from quicktime to VIDDLL for windows users, but it seems like the old issue of jit.vcr not working persists. Is there another solution for recording visuals, synced with audio, on a windows device?


Rob Ramirez's icon

Rob Ramirez

7月 15 2024 | 2:37 午後

As far as I know jit.vcr works fine with the viddll engine, so will need some more specifics if it's not working.

As an alternative you can send your output to another app using Spout on Windows or Syphon on Mac. OBS is a great free app for making recordings from Syphon or Spout. This has the added benefit of allowing Max to devote all resources to the visuals processing, rather than recording as well. See this article for more info.

If going the OBS route, and interested in controlling it from Max, check out this node project.