Wondering about, and wandering around; the Max "Playground".

Michael Caverly's icon

Michael Caverly

6月 30 2024 | 6:42 午後

The cycling74 Max homepage describes it as: "A Playground for Invention.

Max is an infinitely flexible space to create your own interactive software."

My experience with Max is very limited, but the homepage sub topic, "Extending Max" has sub-headers for "Javascript, Node JS, C/C++, Gen, GLSL Sliders, and Java."

That is fascinating, indeed.

My query on this is: could the Max application operate as a (web) browser?

Obviously it can, according to said homepage, but to what extent can this run to.

eg: If it can host Javascript and Java, can it utilise JS libraries like jQuery?

and what about things like MySQL, PHP, CSS, HTML? SoundCloud? and so much more.

I am both amazed and terrified by all this and would welcome any response/comment.



sousastep's icon


6月 30 2024 | 8:55 午後

I just use jweb for loading local sphinx-generated docs in my max rig, but you can use it to surf the web within max too. I don't think it can pipe audio directly into max, though.

Michael Caverly's icon

Michael Caverly

7月 01 2024 | 9:26 午後

Thank you for those links SOUSASTEP, very interesting indeed.

I must confess that the thing that fuelled my inquiry was wanting to apply certain style elements to comment boxes inside of a Max patcher; simple things like underline/bold/italic. Only that, but then the mention of JavaScript on the C'74/Max homepage kick-started the desire to 'See how deep the rabbit-hole goes' - well I got mine alright ...

Max/MSP completely blew my mind upon its discovery (fall of 2023). Prior to that I was a Login Pro / 3rd party Audio Units junkie. My first thoughts were that I could save money (in the long-term) by utilising the Max/MSP environment to (eventually) create my own synthesiser apps. Then less than 2 weeks after instantiating the subscription I was ruing that action, but then I came across a YouTube clip about the Karplus/Strong Algorithm and it completely turned me around.

But anyway, thank you very much for those links! The jweb stuff looks great, and the nodes object i had already come across last week whilst surfing around for options for interpolating between different sound sources kinda like the Korg WS, or Prophet VS.

I will avidly continue the exploration of those avenues.

King regards, MGCaverly.