Manifest Audio -
Update: since restarting my machine the above patch seems to be working smoothly - hopefully the performance quality holds..!
zion -
Thank you very much Michael for your answer, I know about your first suggestion and we'll explore the other two, so really thank you...
mjosefson -
Hello, is it possible to pass a String with characters that has a Unicode codePoint over 0xFFFF? It seems to me like the characters get trun
frequenzteiler -
Anyone got an answer yet ?
dfwaudio -
Ok. I don't understand why it works. But it works. Can't find any explaination about this telnet issue. 1. Arvids [mxj tcpClient] is...
Jan M -
I found the solution: If I change the port and skip -XX:-UseSharedSpaces it work :) Final JVM xDebug config i use is: max.jvm.option...
Steve Berg -
Hey everyone. So, I'm trying to get my hands dirty in making some objects in Max/MSP via java. I've managed to create the JVM successfully (
adamiam -
@Javaprogrammer, I've been trying to get this going too and have encountered the same problem. Did you manage to get this working?
will russell -
Hello, I've made a patch with 4 mxi objects. The first uses makenote and note out and this works fine. However the other two that are conne
andrea mancianti -
Hi everybody, I have two very very similar patches, in which a matrix with random values is transferred to Java-land, and, without doing an