Ben Bracken -
Max 9.0.4 Released
Irene Fortunato -
Hi! Having the same problem!! Did anybody find a solution??
Source Audio -
to create gate signal you use cycle~ + change~ + scale~ and who knows what else ? I don't know why this complication, and you don't tell...
Ellie -
Bad arguments for message "recentfile"
E_S_ -
Very helpful - thanks for sharing!
Are you holding alt (windows) or option (macos) while dragging? If so, it creates a duplicate of the object. Normally you don't need to...
If it is for animating something that is part of a [], I would use [jit.time.tri] for that, or any object from the (builtin)...
Benjamin Whateley -
Here's the fix, you will need my windowed-fft_copy~ abstraction, set the first argument to 1024. [Max Patch] [Attachment:...
Roald Baudoux -
I have made a test patch of a mc.metro. There is some potential here, [Max Patch]
mmprod -
RNBO patcher is stuck on read only
G. Blake Harrison-Lane -
I fixed the original poster's issue by having Max recreate the database a.k.a. file browser. You can do this by sending a message to Max....