Ben Bracken -
We are happy to announce the release of Max 9.0.5 and RNBO 1.3.4. This update features 40+ new features and 175+ fixed bugs. This update...
👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽 -
+1 there's also the global political climate to consider, trump and his tariffs do not send a friendly message as is, cycling74 should...
Julien Bayle -
Hello everyone, I’ve been part of this community for a while, sharing ideas and projects around Max and Max for Live. Today, I’m happy...
KerryHagan -
Hi all, The submission page for PdMaxCon25 is now open. Please read the instructions carefully and use the guidelines/templates...
Jpg -
Hi. I have been using Ableton Live since 2008. Not full time, but as a Slow Learner like Pynchon. Until recently I started with Max,...
weuoimi -
Anyone interested in collaborating on a project of mine? I need someone who knows max/msp that can answer some questions, help me reduce...
Fred -
This survey is aimed at finding out how you create rhythm in your music productions and if you're intrested in creating new rhythm...
Merlin Erdogmus -
Dear Support Team, Thank you once again for your attention to detail and for demonstrating genuine care for your users. I greatly...
MakePatchesNotWar -
No! No cheating! Our reputation is on the line here
Adam Jablonski -
There is no viable way to secure software from being copied by random strangers. That's why you can easily find any paid...
Domenico Di Giosa -
Thanks again for your helpful reply Source! Well appreciated!