jit.gl.spoutsender not working with Ableton 11.3.2

Tate Storey's icon

Hello everyone! I am here to ask if anyone has experienced the jit.gl.spoutsender object not working with the new update to Ableton? I usually tag the jit.gl.spoutsender object onto the end of my Jitter patches to get OBS to record them but my patch that did previously work is no longer working with 11.3.2. OBS is seeing that there is in fact a Spout object to be recorded but no video output appears. I've tried the Vizzie objects to record but find the recorded video gets corrupted. I would like to get this resolved as soon as possible as I need to record some of my patches soon for an upcoming music release and want some visual accompaniment.

Rob Ramirez's icon

make sure you've updated your spout package to the latest version and refrozen your device or you can set your gfxengine Max preference back to gl2

Tate Storey's icon

Awesome! It seems I already had the latest spout package 2.0.73 but changing the graphics engine to gl2 fixed it :) Thank you for the quick response Rob!