Link clip is_trigger with Scene launch

ELOI's icon


8月 20 2024 | 8:11 午後


I'm learning M4L and I need your help to complete this patch.

I'm building a live performance based on a Push 3 and I want to automatically trigger a scene when a backing track clip is triggered.

The goal is to avoid the boring task to match the clip length with the master follow action length.

Here is an example of live set :

Live Set example

I have an issue with the following patch. Only the last clip of my backing track (blue) is firing the scene "Drop".

Live patch

I suspect a loop issue that erasing the first 3 is_triggered functions.
Do you have any idea ?

I'm linking my live12 set et my m4l patch as well.

Auto launch scene from clip.amxd
Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

8月 22 2024 | 3:08 午後

this here

outputs list with all id's, but settles with last one at the end

when passed through 2

all following observers or whatever you use only relate to last id.

how about observing fired_slot_index ?

ELOI's icon


8月 22 2024 | 8:28 午後

Thank you for your help :)
You're right. Only the last clip slot item is working.
I d'ont know how to loop thru id without erasing previous observer.

Observing fired_slot_index will delay scene triggering by global quantification amount. I want that clip and scene are sync.

Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

8月 22 2024 | 10:23 午後

I am not using Live at all ...

you have several options, maybe try


If that does not work for you create as many observers as clip slots (which might get tricky)

maybe better use poly~ with large number of clip observers

or ... disable launch quantisation.

by the way are sure you query clip slot number in your patch ?

I don't see that, you entered fixed slot 3

ELOI's icon


8月 23 2024 | 10:08 午前

Thank you so much @Source Audio !

Poly function is working great :)

My patch is working fine now !
