Store recorded audio into a growing file that changes name every hour

DRegz's icon


7月 20 2024 | 11:53 午前


I'm trying to figure out a way I can achieve the following:

Record an audio input that creates a file called something like "Input 1 - 10:00am to 11:00am".

While it's recording, I want to be able to copy the file from the "record" folder, into a new folder and open it in an audio editor like audition, but the file is still growing in the background.

At 11:00am the file would automatically stop recording and start a new recording called "Input 1 - 11:00am to 12:00pm".

The process continues......

I've explored buffer, sfrecord, record, but I'm hitting a dead end.

Thanks in advance,


Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

7月 20 2024 | 3:40 午後

dead end would be recording and openning of rec file

in external audio editor at same time.

Before closing record file there is no header.

Only option would be to record into buffer and export file from time to time into temp folder.

LSka's icon


7月 21 2024 | 2:23 午後

what do you want to do in the audio editor? Maybe you can do it inside Max?