Would it be possible to use a local compiler for VST3 targets?

ShelLuser's icon

Hi gang!

First if all: huge compliments for RNBO~... I'm still very much a newbie at the time of writing but I already managed to build, and use, a very crude VST3 plugin and... it's just amazing. See: I use both Live (suite) & FL Studio side by side and while I have M4l in Live I always fantasized about what might happen if you could use Max with DAW's like 'FLS'. Now I can!

Question... everything works as expected but I'm wondering if it would be possible to 'overrule' the cloud compiler and instead use a locally set up compiler & framework? Or is this approach fully hardcoded into RNBO?

Note: I'm not necessarily asking how it can be done, merely if...

Thanks in advance for any feedback!

(edit): Thanks for the feedback! I overlooked that option and I can easily imagine that this will make it much easier for people to filter stuff. Not gonna respond because we don't need a "ping", so... figured I'd just edit.

ShelLuser's icon

So, yah, in hindsight this was a bit of an obvious question I suppose...

First things first: the export sidebar features 2 options for "Source code" where the 1st option is C++ source code export. That's an obvious approach.

Second... having already experimented with VST exports (and being very impressed with it) you'll quickly learn that VST builds are powered by Juce; a "framework for audio applications and plug-in development". Best part is obvious: it can be downloaded and used for free, which is something that Cycling '74 is doing.

And there's my answer. Of course I still need a compiler for all this, but that's something which Visual Studio can handle for me.

Marc Assenmacher's icon

Thanks for answering you own questions so that others with the same question can have a quick hint on what to to.
Instead of editing the title als ‚(solved)‘ there is a resolved tag you can give to the topic instead. ;)

Alex Norman's icon

Here is the JUCE adapter code that we bundle with the RNBO source code: https://github.com/Cycling74/rnbo.adapter.juce
and here is a template project that we provide for creating your own customized JUCE/RNBO based projects: https://github.com/cycling74/rnbo.example.juce