lennox -
Quick question: if I deploy a patch to a user who is running trial/standalone Max but HAS MIRA on an ipad can they still use that...
tyler mazaika -
Thanks Pagarreton, I'm glad it is (kind of) working out for you. Regarding the crash it might be helpful to know if the issue is a...
Marcus Tuzzolino -
Hi, I'd like to support this request please ! I would like that 2 mira frames could share a single tab. Maybe this is already possible by...
Fergus Johnston -
fpic objects display on my laptop, but not in Mira. Why not?
sachamakesmusic -
Hey everyone! Had the same issue, and found this topic where they advise to downgrade to v 1.2.6 which works...
ernest braun -
Thank you Nicholas and Exeterdown! I came across this recently and it has been very interesting. In addition to your solution, I also...
mattyo -
Support in Mac for ad-hoc networks has been getting progressively worse for some years, and afaict is completely non-functional by the time...
sousastep -
but connecting wirelessly via solid wifi connection works seamlessly however, that is rarely an option at gigs Have you considered...
pagarreton -
Same here. xebra_global: XEBListeningConnection_ListenProc: Error accepting connection: 670008 nodename nor servname provided, or not...
hzd -
https://cycling74.com/forums/sharing-is-surfing-waveform-for-mira-kind-of#reply-58ed214543f50b22d4bb59fa I think this is what you're...