How is the mouse hovered and bound to the target object?

joe Li's icon

joe Li

5月 01 2024 | 4:06 午後

Hi all

I'm trying to create an audio interaction using jit.phys.body, where when the mouse hovers over an object for more than 5 seconds, the object defaults to the bound target object, such that only operations such as rotating, moving back and forth, etc., can be performed on the object, and the sound changes accordingly, both near and far. If the mouse does not move for more than 5 seconds, it means the binding target object is ended. How do I get the mouse to realize the binding and end the binding to the target object in this process, and how do I create a waiting animation while waiting for 5 seconds?

I'm using it.phys.body because I was looking at jit.phys.body's help to create multiple objects, but wasn't sure if there was another way to accomplish this.

Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

5月 02 2024 | 6:49 午前

detect mouse over object and mouse position change.

if both criteria ok, do that binding.

if any of 2 does not match, disable it.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

joe Li's icon

joe Li

5月 04 2024 | 4:07 午前

Many thanks SOURCE AUDIO, am i adding jit. handle, in the pic will controlled by the mouse?