Max crashing constantly during RNBO development
Have heard of, and experienced in the past, stability issues with Max, at least in the editing phase; how are people finding creating and editing patches with RNBO from within Max!? Further than just some quick patching, ie sub-patching etc.
In the last 3 hours must have experienced in excess of 20+ crashes while performing basic tasks inside of RNBO patches, and while RNBO patches are open...
Please share your experiences.
- Windows 10
- Max 8.5.3
- RME Babyface audio interface
in RNBO I dI’d experience sometimes crashes when [atrui] objects are connected and I change [param] inside RNBO. I couldn’t reproduce it reliably.
I am on macOS Ventura and usually work with a RME FireFace UC. Related to the audio interface the only craches ever so far were in some cases working with mc objects in Max during editing. Very sporadically and also there I could not reproduce reliably.
Have you tried deleting and CTRL-Z ing the RNBO patcher to trigger a clean rebuild?
Thanks for coming back with info regarding reproducing errors.
Would hate to think RNBO is more stable on a Mac.
When you say deleting and Ctrl+Z to trigger a fresh rebuild, can you clarify this!?
just as I said, deleting the RNBO object, redo to put it back.
also remove all connected attui objects, and see if this changes something.
I haven’t been working on windows in decades, is there any kind of crash report that could give more information about what’s going on? Would hate to think RNBO is more stable on a Mac.
I don’t think that’s the case in general. But as windows is targeting an unmanageable amount of hardware, the potential error sources are exponentially higher….
if you keep getting crashes maybe you want to get in contact with support directly.
Okay, it seems the main issue here was trying to straight copy over some full Max patchers into a RNBO patcher, and possibly using some incorrect, or unexpected, routing into subpatchers.
It took a long time to resolve what was going on here, due to no error messages showing on the console, the application would just repeatedly crash.
Chiming in here as i am having the same problem in Gen~.
To mee it looks like when max is trying to save to a referenced abstractions, while the save action is executed, it chokes on itself.
I tried to follow good programming praxis and next my repetitive routines in abstractions.
But once i start to build a trie like that it becomes very unstable if i start to edit the abstractions in place.
One thing that helps a big is to "Disable Auto Compile" , do your changes, save the sub patch and then compile all at once.
Still once there are referenced sub patchers in the form of "gen @gen /Users/me.program.gendsp" It will crash...especially if that one also contains another nested one.
I assume that is the same for RNBO.
I also hoped my old Mac would be the problem, but i got a new MBA M3 and its the same, it just crashes faster :P
I can make a video that shows how the same complex patch with nested but not referenced GEN~ abstractions compiles fine every time and crashes like clockwork if one of those is a referenced one.
Hi there,
just quickly chiming in here that any clear pointers and steps to reproduce these issues (incl the mentioned video) would be great to mention to support. Please get in touch here