Vsynth Package
Hi everyone! I'm opening this thread in case any of you have questions, doubts, suggestions, etc, related to the Vsynth Package.
Remember I'm uploading info, screenshots, videos here:
Hi Kevin,
Many thanks for the vsynth package, I'm enjoying it a lot, great work. One thing I would like to see is the capability to automate effect parameters, eg on the rota object. Is this something you are considering?
Hi Paul, thanks for your words.
Taking into account we are inside Max and there are a lot of snippets out there to automate things, I won’t develop them myself (at least not for now). I’m focusing on the oscillators, cv_ins, envelopes, filters, that is, all that has to do with video synthesis. However, for the next update, I’m adding a control inlet in every module so you can externally control them in a Max-style way with whatever you want! Here is a screenshot that exemplifies this better. You can see I’m controlling parameters with Beap and Vizzie (but this can be whatever you want) by adding just one or two simple Max objects.
Hi Kevin,
That's great news - being able to control vs parameters with standard Max objects will be even better. I think I had - incorrectly - assumed you were aiming for a fully self contained system. This will be much better.
I look forward to the new version.
v1.0 was released yesterday fellows, go grab it through the package manager! Lots of new features!
Hi . First of all thanks for this brilliant tool. I tried your beta and was loving it ! im dying to try the new version ,but the max package manager doesnt like me today. any manual way of installing it? otherwise i will just wait
THANKS , great job!
Thanks a lot. Working really smooth this new update.
Thanks for all that examples !
Hey just passing by to say this is amazing, lots of thanks, having loads of fun, and it's useful to learn a bit about jit.gl.pix too :) One question about the feedback though, i'm not sure i understand when it can be connected, like what are the conditions and the logic behind it ? As i'm a noob in graphic generation and trying to use my little knowledge from audio synth to transpose it to this world.
Hi Kevin,
Thanks so much for making this and sharing it with the community! I starting playing with V Synth about a week ago and I really love it! It’s so nice to have access to this process of image making without the insane price of modular hardware or their restrictions, especially fixed NTSC resolution!
I have a couple of questions that probably relate to the same issue:
1. Sometimes after building up a patch with many wave generators, I'll decide to unplug/delete one or more from either an FM path or mixer path but their feed continues to affect the generator or mixer it was previously connected to. Is this normal? I wonder if this happens because I am often copying module chains (alt-dragging) and the copied modules have overlapping named contexts by not being instantiated from the V Synth menu bar? Do VSynth modules have to be instantiated from the VSynth Menu Bar in order to function properly?
2. I've been trying to use Snapshots with my V Synth patches. I feel like Snapshots is a huge feature to be able to take advantage of within Max7, especially when compared to equipment based modular analog video synthesis, in which preset making is impossible. Many of the V Synth modules aren't natively visible by Snapshots but I have been able to make them visible by modifying controller objects within the original bpatchers. For example, in the CLRIZER module I've ticked 'Parameter Mode Enable' to ON for the 'swatch' object within the bpatcher and now it seems to work fine with Snapshots.
The big problem I had is that the native VSynth Menu Bar will create/instantiate a bunch of new modules every time I change presets in Snapshot. Often times these modules include new R3NDER modules which then create huge conflicts with the VSynth output window, sometimes even crashing Max7 in the process. Initially I tried to fix this within the V Synth Menu Bar by disabling 'Parameter Mode Enable' for the ‘coll’ object in that bpatcher. It seemed like it had worked until I tried to create a new VSynth module from the VSynth Menu Bar and I was no longer able to instantiate new modules at all. Reactivating the 'Parameter Mode Enable' for that coll didn’t work ( I now understand why) and I had to start again by completely reinstalling the VSynth Package.
Now I think I’ve figured out how to fix the issue with the VSynth Menu Bar. In the bpatcher for all of the ‘live.menu’ objects I have changed their ‘Parameter Visibility’ to ‘Hidden’.
I guess I’ve probably solved my problem here, but perhaps I can make a feature request out of this? Could all of the VSynth modules be made compatible with Snapshots in a future update? I’d be happy to give you notes or copies of my patches that I’ve fixed for this use, if you’d like.
Thanks again for such an awesome set of tools!
Hi there. Really enjoying V Synth! Are the control parameter names for each module documented anywhere? Some are obvious, but others are not & having trouble guessing. For instance, on WFG_Shapes and WFG_2, the time parameter does not respond to the message "time x". Also, several parameters on XYZ.Displace are a mystery.
thanks! //jake
@VICHUG: you are doing feedback when you displace (frequency - position in the screen) or mix (amplitude - brightness) the video signal with itself (or with itself+process). Here an image of two simple feedback chains to illustrate. I’m working on a patch-book at the moment but in the meantime, you can also try with the cam_2 or a lumakey+framedelay among others. There are a lot of possibilities actually!
@TYSON: sorry for the delay and thanks for taking the time to write all this, really appreciated!
1. Is normal, is happening to me too and that's the reason why I didn’t add more ‘cv’ inputs to the modules. I think I found a way to solve this but I need to work and test it more before release it. I always alt-drag, thats not the problem!
2. I've started a preset system with the pattr familly objects but using the new Snapshots system sounds promising and easier/faster to develop. I will look at it and yes, of course I wanna see patches! Does Snapshots allow to morph between presets?
@JAKE RODRIGUEZ: they aren’t. I will post them in the next update. To control time you should write "/time 0”, “/time 1”, etc. You can always open up the bpatchers, is really easy to add your own control params!
thank you--i don't know why it didn't occur to me to open up the bpatchers at first. i have since added controls everywhere i need them, and spied on the ones already present.
Perfect Jake, just remember to backup before downloading the next release!
Am interested in learning more about the Patchbook. I don't have Max, just use M4L inside Live. Will that limit what Vsynth/Patchbook can do? Is there a syphon out or other video out option to use with Live, or the ways to save your work?
@JCRYSTAL You can use the Patchbook without having the Vsynth Package installed. The difference is that you won't have the entire modular environment to build your own configurations but some configurations I came up with to produce certain visuals. Both configurations from the Starter Kit of course comes with Syphon Output. You can load them in your Live set and turn them on and off to have different 'scenes' with presets.
do vsynth modules support custom midi mapping for a midi controller?
@BYOU, you can control all the modules externally by sending messages to the most right inlet. For midi mapping check the 'external_connection' tab on the Launcher and to see the complete list of the public variables go to the 'sync_time' tab.
Hi everyone! I'm gonna leave here some of the patches I sent to the students that attended my Vsynth workshops.' Hope they are useful to you too! You should have the latest Vsynth version installed (v1.2.1), so if you didn't update now its good time to do it!
Thanks Kevin! Is the latest version the one in the Max package managet?
basic questions on this - apologies for any noobery
this stuff outputs to a jit.pwindow just fine but can it go into a regular jit matrix? I tried just running it into jit.matrix and it makes something but it seems to be just color changing and not my shapes. I ask cause I've got some things going already in other jitter stuff and wanna combine the vsynth stuff and the other stuff with jit.op.
@JIM LEYDEN you can connect it to a [jit.matrix 4 char 320 240] for example, but my advice is to stay on the GPU and use either Vsynth's [operators2] module or check the jit.gl.slab-op.maxpat.
is it possible to control the PM on a WFG via sending a message through the right inlet, the way you can with freq, fm, and other variables?
@BYOU you can do that in the WFG_2 with Vsynth v1.2.2. Cheers!
@2K thanks man everything is lookin noice now
Hi, I would like to do a visual and audio project with a friend. Him with his modular synth and me to the video. The idea would be to use and modify the shape of the waves emitted by its modular oscillators and then project them. I am just starting to use Ma7 and I also have M4L. VSynth is it is ideal tool for this kind of thing? Is it better that I use The PatchBook on M4L? Thank you
Asked a question sort of tangential to Vsynth over here, curious if anyone knows how to alter the amount of inputs into the mixers:
Anyone know how to "smooth out" the "time" variable? it jumps from one preset value to the next, and one of the things I find myself doing with regular video playback is altering the "rate" of stuff with slides and such. Was curious if it were possible to disable that locking-in of those values? I'm inside wfg_2's p timediv object and it reads a file called "timediv.txt" which has those values and their corresponding integer in it, but deleting it and just feeding a float value into that input isn't flying. (and even when I was altering the value before it seems to "reset" the generator whenever the time value jumps from one to another)
Just curious if there's something I'm missing or if a smooth rate alteration is something that's actually way more complicated for generative stuff than it is for video playback.
Hi Jim, you will have to wait to the next release to have a smooth time variable natively. In the mean time check if this patch is helpful. Cheers!
wew @2k I think I'm out of my depth on that one lol.
Alright, I have one last question then I'll quit bugging y'all:
I'm effectively building a live "set" for some audioreactive stuff, with different vsynth bits for different parts of each song. At the moment I'm just building it all out but I've only got 3 parts and I'm already hitting some pretty low framerates.
I'm sending it all into mixers and have built controls how I want them so I can fade in and out from one visual to the next, but as you can imagine the mixer only displays one vs. the other, and they keep running in the background.
So what I tried was using the same controls to send signals to the individual vsynth elements' "enable $1" to turn them on and off but that seems to be a global control - it turns off other stuff that it's not directly plugged into.
So I guess my question is: is there any control I can use to disable the elements individually, or is that impossible and I need a better way to do my switching? Basically, how does someone build an entire, free-flowing "set" from vsynth where you can kill elements you're not using so they taking up resources. Like I said, I'm on my 3rd "part" of what will be perhaps 40+ and my framerates are already dropping to like 8.
Hi again Jim! You should send the message 'enable $1' to the most right inlet of the modules you want to turn on/off. Check the 'scenes' tab from the examples of the vsynth_launch, I do that myself all the time when building complex patches for live sets. Feel free to drop me a line if you need more help. Have a good one!
You should send the message 'enable $1' to the most right inlet of the modules you want to turn on/off.
So that's what I had already done - the problem was (I didn't think it'd be an issue) that the things being disabled were running into a vsynth mixer. I put a pwindow before the one element hit the mixer and it kept running, but the mixer froze it. I'm not 100% sure what's going on but whenever you freeze/disable the input into the 1st input of the mixer, it stops all the other inputs. I tried sending the mixer its own 'enable $1', both through the control input and the in1 input and nothing was working. I even had a metro constantly bang an enable to it, and nothing. I finally just sent a 'solid color' module through it that's not connected to the other enable/disable message, and that works. As long as it has something flowing through it, the other ins will continue running. I'm sure there's a smarter, "code-ier" way to do it but that's my workaround for now, so I'm all good.
I also figured out that the big resource hog wasn't that I was running a fair amount of modules but that I was maxing out xyz.displace values at 2048. I have a gtx1070, was thinking that low-ass framerate was a little shady tbh. Not doing that any more.
ANYWAY thanks for all the help, and for making this package to begin with. Now that my set skeleton and resource management issues are out of the way I can start doing the fun part.
any reason or experience anyone has with switching the MAX video engine?
Kevin, have you looked into adding a particle based module to animate the equal to your synth profound VOSC vid synth. Not a programmer but perhaps you two could collaboratr for the greatest digital analog style Vsynth ever made.
has anyone dealt with frame drop/stutters in max-vsynth? every 4-5 seconds I get a little stutter
I'm on a mid 2014 MacBook Pro NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2048 MB
Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB, 6 GB 1600 MHz DDR3.
I only have a few patches that run smoothly without the jitter.. looking for any help, suggestions, paths to success.. hoping someone has come across similar issues. Maybe max settings.. maybe Mac settings?
thanks nick
Trying to get the kinect into vsynth using jit.freenect.grab but unable to.
Has anyone tried this? What do I need to do / what objects should I use? I looked at the examples/render_context but unable to figure it out.
jit.gl.node was also suggested but still no luck. cheers.
@0THELL0 MARTINI should be really straight forward but I don't have a kinect to try atm. If you send me the patch I can help anyway!
@2k Here's is the patch. Thank you.
I guess this should work. Tell me how it goes:
Thanks @2K, I see that you added the [r draw] object but I'm interested in getting the depth image or any kinect image from the kinect in to vsynth. Any ideas?
HI Kevin, is it possible to have a quick way to translate Vsynth messages to audio? In order to sync audio and video? For example how would one go to input a frequency into the oscillator through max? Or the other way around?
@Jestern look in the launcher the audio_to_vsynth tab!
Course audio control is amazing and I would love a prefigured prepatched ready to “play” vidsynth with a playable gui with all the modules as options and switches for a max simpleton but aesthetic obsessive like myself, but wonder if there is a way to get a z axis for the occilator displays to give a greater cathode/occiloscope dimension to the signal image?
Hi Kevin,
First of all I want to thank you for the amazing Vsynth plug-in. I started getting into the video synthesizing world couple years ago through the Dan Sandin Image Processor and I am loving how I can create very similar visuals with Vsynth like the analog IP.
I have performed live with Vsynth before without any problem. 2-3 Days ago I started having a problem with Vysnth when going fullscreen. When I enter fullscreen or when I hit escape to close fullscreen mode my patch crashes. I have tried the patch I performed with a month ago today. Back then there were no crashes at all but now that patch is crashing as well. I have another live performance this Friday and I don't know what to do at this point. I have reached out support but also wanted to write here in case anyone else reported something similar regarding Vsynth. I tried going fullscreen with jit.world (without using any vsynth modules) and it works fine.
I have MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015), 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5, Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1536 MB. I have tried the patch on both Max 32 bit & Max 64 bit. I get the same crash.
I haven't changed anything when I started experiencing crashes, I deleted-reinstalled-updated the plug-in & reinstalled Max but these didn't solve the problem.Any help or suggestions to what to check is appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance!
Kind regards,
This might be a stupid question but...
Do I need to have a vs_render bpatcher whenever I have some vsynth object playing? Is there a way to attach the synth object to the main jit.world? If not, should I have the gl objects render to the "vsynth" rendering context? Wouldn't be redundant to have two rendering contexts if I only really need one?
v1.2.7 is available through the Package Manager!
Hi Kevin is there a way to know how to format messages for a specific object in Vsynth? I would like to move the angle with some random values... how do I find the right message for OFFSET + ROTATION? Thanks
Hey Jestern! In the first tab of the External Control Lesson in the Launcher, you have a subpatch on the top right corner with all the public variables! For the angle it is just "angle $1". If you need an external control is not there, you can always tweak the module ; )
YES thanks so much!!!
Hello! How can I change the folder in which the Snapshot module saves the pictures?. The default folder is the Desktop. I tried to modify the vs_snapshot bpatcher insisde the Vsynth Package with no luck. Gotta say I'm new to Max tho. Thanks!
I am new to Vsynth and have done a simple patch using an image and a video I recorded. Hardly any effects. I am running a decent PC laptop with 16gb ram, windows 10. The patcher and preview window are running slow and not smooth. Is this normal? The capture device is not working for me and I cannot capture the screen with satisfying results when everything is lagging so much. I have tried to restart max and reboot the computer. Is there some beginner mistake that can cause these issues when importing images and video into Max?
Thankful for any advice.
@PabloRojas try with this other patch to save images in other folder.
@HenriFalk it is not normal, but with the info you are giving I can't really help you. Please drop me a line to kevin.keytools@gmail.com with more information like the format and size of the video you are using, a screenshot of the patch, etc. Thank you!
I am slowly getting back into using Max again after a long hiatus. I am playing around with vsynth, but I can't seem to get any of the "control" inputs to work. Is there an example patch (i.e. text telling me what to try or image is fine) I can try to see the controls in action? For example, if I want to change the value for PIX on the fly, what should the input be for the control? I tried several different signal source, but nothing seems to effect it... I am assuming I'm doing something wrong since Max does take a bit of wrapping one's head around when coming from some place else like coding...
hm... ok. maybe i need a little more assistance. The vs_pixelator.maxpat is a bpatcher, so how do I ascertain the names of parameters that I can access?
Sorry I don't have a licence to save the patch as text but here's an image. You can take a look to the vsynth modules inde the Documents > Max 8 > Packages > Vsynth > patchers folder. The pixelator is called vs_pixelator.maxpat and you can control the dim parameter.

In the External Control Lesson you will find a subpatch with the list of all the public variables to control the modules!
Stumbling across this was such a game changer!
In the External Control Lesson you will find a subpatch with the list of all the public variables to control the modules!
Hola Kevin, cómo andás?
Te consulto: uso Max 7 y vi que subiste links al paquete para instalarlo, pero ya no funcionan.
Hay forma de acceder hoy día a los paquetes desde esta versión de Max o me tengo que actualizar sí o sí?
I am brand new to Max for Live, and the first thing I've started messing with is Vsynth. When I delete a patch cable, the patch still functions as if the deleted cable was still there. Surely I am missing something but I cannot find the answer. Thank you!
hi Kyle, this actually a tricky aspect of textures in Jitter. texture patchcords are actually setting the texture attribute of the connected object, and that attribute value persists even when the patchcord is deleted.
I know this is unexpected, especially for new users, but that's how it works. there are various ways to "clear" this texture from the object, with the easiest being to connect to a different texture object. if you want to set it black, simply connect a jit.matrix object and bang it out.
It is on my list to investigate ways to make this behavior less of a stumbling block.
I just saw your question Kyle. As Rob said that is tricky and require some extra patching. Nevertheless I managed to fix/hack this in latest Vsynth version that is comming out through the Package Manager some day this week. Stay tuned!
hello. I am getting into this package and I am enjoying it quite a lot. I was wondering if there is a tutorial about how to make the modules audio reactive somehow.
I was also wondering how to unlock the patches provided by the package.
Cheers and great work.
For some plug&play audio reactivity you can use the [Envelope Follower] module but be sure to check the External Control Lesson since you can also external control the modules with whatever source you want.
Launcher patches aren't meant to be unlockable. Instead of copy pasting I recommend patching from scratch. In anycase, there are several ways to unlock them. One way was suggested in this thread.
Hello, I've had some problems understanding the resolution parameters. Are they horizontal or vertical pairs? What do they control, output resolution and preview resolution? Thank you!

Pierre, they are horizontal pairs. First row is texture resolution. Second row is floating window size.
Thank you very much.
Is there a way to scale a video/image/texture only in one dimmension?
Pierre, try this :
Muchas gracias Kevin.
Hola Kevin!
Primero que todo, muchas gracias por este proyecto tan hermoso y emocionante. Soy nuevo al mundo de Max, pero es genial tener esta herramienta para aprender! Mucha admiración!
Tengo una pregunta sobre como trabajar junto con Ableton, para eventualmente hacer que el Audio / MIDI de Ableton module los visuales de VSynth. Vi tu tutorial de como crear el SDK para que Ableton lo pueda abrir, pero por ningun lado logro encontrar el "Patchbook Master" para agregarlo a Ableton. Dónde podría estar mi error? No puedo ver nada relacionado a VSynth desde mi buscador en Ableton. Veo el par de proyectos que he creado en M4L, pero nada de Vsynth.
Estoy trabajando con VSynth 1.3, Max 8.1.8, Ableton 10, MacOS Catalina 10.15.7
No sé si el foro siga activo, pero te agradezco igual de antemano!
Hey thanks for making Vsynth its fantastic and i'm really getting into it. It possible to make it 4k?
@richielg you need to change the texture resolution of your [Render].

i'm rendering out through jit.world. Is there anyway to play 4k video into the jit.world object from from the vsynth objects? Thanks
I need to see the patch to understand what you doing and help out. But totally doable to render 4k.
ok i'll try and get the patch so its easy to understand but basically i'm using the oneirotomy package to render offline. You have to feed the oneirotomy objects with video from jit.world. So I want to get 4k video coming out of vsynth and into jit.world and then into oneirotomy. All i've been doing to change the resolution is use the v synth launcher but it only goes up to 2k. Thats why I was asking perhaps theres another way to get vsynth to operate in 4k. Because I would like to do all of my effects in 720p and then just set it to 4k and render out using oneirotomy
Try closing the launcher and adding into your patch a render module from Vsynths menu (right click/paste from/vsynth/vs_menu...) to change resolution to 4k.
Thats interesting thanks. I didn't realise that the render module could be used like this. Thanks so much :)
Hi Kevin, in version 1.3.0 it looks like if I try to delete any presets higher than 24 in the vsc_presets object nothing happens
I'm working on a performance interface for a Vsynth patcher using mira.frame so I can use my iPad to control the patcher. I've pasted an example below
In the paste above, what's the best way to sync the value between the live.slider (or other Mira-supported object), the feedback mixer and the presets object? During performance I want to be able to recall presets and move the live.slider, and won't be interacting with the feedback mixer in Mira.
What I've been doing as I build the Mira interface is manually setting live.sliders to match the saved mixer values for the Vsynth objects they connect to, etc and resaving each preset. Which, since I'm editing the Mira part last per this performance specifically, means lots of resaving.
What I'd like to do instead is get the In 1 value from the feedback mixer and send that back to the live.slider directly. (Actually what I really want is Mira compatibility for all the Vsynth objects :) ).
If I open up the vs_mixer_fdbk object I can see that mix_fdbk_in1 is what I want, but I'm not sure how to pull out that value without modifying vs_mixer_fdbk.
Is there a way to read just that value? Happy to go rtfm if you can help point me in a direction.
Hey Matt,
In v1.3 you can just edit the preset module. Once inside the bpatcher enter to the [preset] inspector and change the Slot Size by 10. That would give you up to 40 slots approx. Also change the [live.numbox] range to match the amount of slots. This is already done in the Vsynth version you can find in Patreon with much more stuff.
I think the quickest way is to mod the modules you want to visualise in the iPad but maybe you can come up with a better solution with [this.patcher] or javascript and the live.sliders scripting name to retrieve their value.
Thanks very much -- OK so if I understood, you added an outlet to the mixer subpatcher to expose that route value. I was thinking there might be a way to do that without modding the subpatcher, but it sounds like js scripting may be the way to go. I'll take a look at that and post a solution when I find one.
About the preset module -- I wasn't being clear. I can save up to 40 presets, but can only delete the first 24. I've pasted the 1.3.2 version from Patreon so you can see what I mean.
Shift-click on square #40 to save the preset, now try to delete that by typing in 40 and hitting delete. On my iMac once you click outside the numbox, it changes to 24.
If I open up the subpatcher I think it's b/c the Range/Enum on the live.numbox is 0. 24. not 0. 40.
I can’t repro the behaviour you’re mentioning. When following your steps everything worked as expected. Double checked Patreon version and live.numbox is 40 too, so maybe this is something local on your machine like its reading the wrong patch. Send me an email if the bug persists.
Strange! OK -- if I delete and reinstall all the Vsynth files then the preset works as expected. Thanks very much for your help
Hey Kevin i'm having a great time using this man so thanks so much for all your great work on this.
I'm looking for a way to recreate this effect from the memory palace. Its a very cool effect. I saw it on the CVI Fairlight as well. I've not found a way using v synth or vizzie yet. What are your thoughts on this? Have I missed something? Here is the vid below. Thanks!
Just doing some more research today. Perhaps it would be cool if a Wacom tablet could be used as a control input like the lzx escher sketch as well maybe?
Hey Richie, you'll have to build these fx using the existing modules. There is no module built specifically for these but it is really really easy to achieve them, you'll see! Attaching 2 patches for you. If you don't understand something I would suggest you check in the Launcher the following lessons: First Steps (last tab), Luma&Chroma (luma-feedback tab), Animation and Working with Video.
As for the Wacom tablet. Every Vsynth module can be externally controlled by messages, like standard Max objects. I don't own a Wacom so I can't test anything related to it but check the "External Control" Lesson to see how to send messages to Vsynth modules in case you can retrieve Wacom data in Max.
This is amazing Kevin thanks so much! Its so cool that you shared a patch for this. Yes I still need to go through the rest of the lessons for v synth and vizzie. Its amazing to see what you can do with such simple patches. I was going to make some simple animations for it in Adobe Illustrator potentially like this video here.
Where is the stick man from can I use him? Thanks
I guess yeah, I grabbed it from Giphy.
Cool thanks. I never thought to use Giphy before. I've been struggling for some time to get vsynth to render out correctly to the oneirotomy package designed for offline rendering. The video always gets rendered about twice as fast as it should be. Have you tested this? The idea was to render out at 1080 and 4k with no frame drops or pixelation etc. I really dislike siphon and other real time recording options. I have never found them to be satisfactory. So I definitely need to get this to work with oneirotomy for what I want to do. I think I found the problem but i've no idea what I need to do to fix it.
I think the problem is oneirotomy does not support jit.gl.render. When I poked around inside your render object, I found inside the R3NDER subpatcher that there is an object called "jit.gl.render vsynth @erase_color 0. 0. 0. 1."
Just to summarise all I want to do is use a mixture of vizzie and vsynth and make cool visuals and fx etc and I want to render these out offline into oneirotomy so its basically lossless.
At the moment it renders out twice as fast. I've made some cool stuff with it and exported to pro res 4444 which is good coz then I can do more work on them. But it never comes out how its intended, always twice as fast. What are your thoughts? Thanks
I haven't tried it but feel free to send me some example patches to kevin.keytools@gmail.com so I can take a look and help out. Sounds like a frameRate incopatibility.
ok thanks I sent