get umenu populated by playlist~

Domenico Di Giosa's icon

Domenico Di Giosa

8月 24 2024 | 3:14 午前

Hi, beginner here... Is there any chanche to have a umenu which is autopopulated and updated by adding/removing items to the playlist object?

Max Patch

Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

8月 24 2024 | 5:01 午前

modified help file (dictionaries tab)

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Domenico Di Giosa's icon

Domenico Di Giosa

8月 24 2024 | 7:53 午後

Thank you SOURCE! That’s Perfect!

Domenico Di Giosa's icon

Domenico Di Giosa

9月 13 2024 | 7:39 午前

Is it possible to get messages by dragging samples with in the playlist?


I invert items order by dragging first element after the second one so the playlist:




Changes to



sample 3

Can you get notification of the elements swap and route the message anywhere else?

Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

9月 13 2024 | 8:04 午前

you need to set allow reorder attribute, and after reordering the list,

menu gets updated.

Domenico Di Giosa's icon

Domenico Di Giosa

9月 13 2024 | 8:21 午前

thanks Source!

i got umenu perfectly updated and in sync with the playlist after your first precious reply to my request.

now my question is different:

can you get messages from playlist when you swap two element's position by dragging them?

something like: "sample1 dragged from position1 to position2 and sample2 changed position2 to position1"?

also... is it advisable to open a new thread for this request?

Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

9月 13 2024 | 9:52 午前

Whatever you do with playlist items gets updated in dictionary.

You would have to work on dictionary , compare or extract or whatever.

As that is not in my field of interest, maybe someone else could give you a hint.

I would rather concentrate on playback performance.

Domenico Di Giosa's icon

Domenico Di Giosa

9月 14 2024 | 1:35 午後

Thanks again for your helpful reply Source! Well appreciated!