Urgent help needed configuring a max for live device

Luke F's icon

Hey there,

I need some adjustments to be made to a device within the next few hours but I am relatively new to Max for Live. Is there anyone in the forum that would be willing to kindly assist?

thank you

👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽's icon

within hours?? it's possible here(not volunteering myself, just mentioning to help you find the help you need faster), but you might also want to go onto Discord and find the Max/MSP group there(real-time chat there can sometimes get you answers faster). hope it helps.

Roman Thilenius's icon

note that the thread is flagged "beginner" and "advanced" at the same time, so it must be really urgent.

Jan M's icon

hmmm is it a question for advanced beginners or for people who just began being advanced ??? Life is full of riddles ):(

Source Audio's icon

that few hours have passed, and anyway if that was so urgent,
one would at least post few details about it or even a patch...