Could someone explain this patch to me?


Could someone explain this patch to me? please!!

Graham Wakefield's icon

These are the go.ramp.div and go.latchsync patches from the GO book ( There's definitely some explanation in the book and also in the comments in the patches. They've also been discussed in the forum here in the past.

Do you have a specific question about them?


I don't really understand the concept of history. When should I use history, and what can I expect when using history together with Switch?

LSka's icon

as it says in the comments, [history] stores the last sample and allows for feedback loops. In this case it takes the output from the last [switch] and it makes it available for the next cycle.

You can think of [switch] as a "if then else" block, so in this case the logic is something like:

if in1 is 0
then switch output is in1
else switch output is previous value (stored in history)